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Individual Care For the Best Outcomes

Our obstetricians provide careful, gentle and kind care for pregnant women to ensure the health of mother and baby. We provide guidance on how to take care of yourself during pregnancy and to alleviate symptoms such as morning sickness and back pain. We perform ultrasounds to ensure the baby’s healthy development, and deliver babies. We give support throughout the entire childbirth process.

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Prenatal Care


Vaginal delivery is the birth of a child through the birth canal, which is how a majority of women deliver. The process begins with labor, which differs between for every woman. Many soon-to-be mothers will enroll themselves in childbirth classes prior to their labor. Your obstetrician will work closely with you and your child to determine if, and what, pain-relieving medications will relieve the discomfort of delivery.

Cesarean section is when a baby is delivered surgically, rather than vaginally through the birth canal. C-Sections are mostly reserved for emergencies or women who are experiencing complications during their pregnancy. Your obstetrician will educate you on the proceedings of the surgery if they feel a C-section is necessary for the baby’s birth.

Although you’ve had a C-section for your previous pregnancy, it doesn’t always mean you need to have one for your future children. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) is when a mother gives birth through the birth canal after she has already had a cesarean section. Consult your doctor and learn more about VBACs.
High-Risk Pregnancy

A high-risk pregnancy is when there’s an elevated possibility of developing complications during the pregnancy period, labor, birth or the postpartum period. You can still have a healthy pregnancy and child, you just require more medical supervision than normal pregnancies. There are several factors that can contribute to a high-risk pregnancy including being over the age of 35, carrying twins, unhealthy lifestyle habits, pre-existing health conditions and severe morning sickness.

Monitoring Fetal Health and Ultrasound

We use advanced ultrasound technology to regularly evaluate the growth and development of the fetus. Ultrasounds can also be used as a diagnostic tool for abnormalities in your unborn baby. 

Fetal Testing

When you’re pregnant, our fetal testing will be able to give you accurate information about your baby’s health like birth defects or genetic diseases. Our testing also monitors your own health as well, and any potential problems that could affect you and the baby.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing-NIPT

NIPT is a blood test used to screen for Down syndrome and a few other chromosomal conditions. You can have NIPT at 10 weeks of pregnancy or later. You can also find out the sex of the baby when you have this test. Results are usually available in a week or two.

In-Office Ultrasound

Using diagnostic imaging, we can perform state-of-the-art ultrasounds for a clearer, more precise image of the baby. It’s the best way to monitor their health and the exciting growing progress!

Non-Stress Testing

The non-stress test involves the placement of two belts on the mother’s abdomen to measure the baby’s heart rate and uterine contractions. This is a non-invasive way of checking on the baby’s health.

Proper Nutrition and Vitamins

Our providers recommend mothers take prenatal vitamins during their pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins cover any nutrients lacking in the mother’s diet and include folic acid, iodine, and calcium. Of course, your obstetrician will make their own nutritional and vitamin recommendations so you and your baby receive the nutrients you need. 


Preconceptual Counseling

It’s important to plan your pregnancy by checking your immunization status and genetic risk factors if you’re thinking of becoming pregnant. Our testing capabilities will give you the answers you need so you can begin this exciting time in your life with ease. We will also provide proper nutritional and prenatal vitamin recommendations to ensure you, and the baby, receive the nourishment needed for a healthy pregnancy.


Postpartum Care

It’s important to monitor you over the following days and weeks after a vaginal or c-section delivery. The first two days after the delivery will be under the observation of your obstetrician and nurses to ensure you and your baby are as healthy as possible. The next six to eight weeks occur at home with one or two follow-up appointments after the birth.


Our Focus On You

Our providers use some of the latest technology to take care of our patients, but we never let it get in the way of how we care for you. Our philosophy is to always make our patients the focus of our attention and to use technology to enhance our patient care. For more information about our practice, contact us at 248-926-2020 today.

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Walnut Lake OB/GYN & Wellness


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Phone: (248) 926-2020
Fax: (248) 926-9020



Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 5PM
Friday: 8AM - 12PM
Saturday: 8AM-12PM

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