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Menopause Awareness Month

Menopause Awareness Month

September is Menopause Awareness Month. Even if you’re not in Menopause, you probably know someone who is dealing with it. You may have seen their ups and downs. When does Menopause begin? Menopause usually begins around the ages of 51-52. Typically, if a woman has...
Lucky to Have MonaLisa Touch

Lucky to Have MonaLisa Touch

Do You Also Suffer from Vaginal Discomfort? Vaginal discomforts as dryness, burning, urinary incontinence can occur also during pre-menopause or after childbirth. The main cause is often atrophic vaginitis: a disease that can adversely affect your life and the...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is a time to remember all of those who have lost their battle with breast cancer. It is also a time to remember that we must carry the torch to educate as many women as possible about the importance of self-awareness, annual screening, and support the cause. Most...
Let Your Youthful Energy Shine

Let Your Youthful Energy Shine

Millions of women experience changes to their gynecologic health that affect their personal lives as a consequence. Now there’s a solution! MonaLisa Touch® is a simple, proven treatment to help you feel like yourself again. An Innovative Laser Procedure to Restore...
September is Menopause Awareness Month

September is Menopause Awareness Month

When does Menopause begin? Menopause usually begins around the ages of 51-52. Typically, if a woman has not had a menstrual cycle over the course of a year, she is in menopause. What are some “typical” Menopause symptoms? The most common symptom experienced by 80...